Constituent Profile Page

The Constituent Profile displays information about constituents in the system. A constituent is the individual or corporation donating or contributing a gift payment or service.

Constituent Profile Information

The Constituent Profile displays the following information. Depending on your selections, you might not see all of the fields listed.

Field Description
Constituent Displays the name of the constituent.
A-score Displays the current A-Score of the constituent with an arrow indicating whether his or her score is rising, declining, or staying steady.
Donor category Displays the donor category to which the constituent has been assigned.
Recognition level

Displays the recognition level the constituent has achieved.

The recognition level in the information section of the profile refers to general recognition level that is set up and tracked in fundraising setup whereas the fund recognition level on the gifts child form refers to recognition level that is setup for a specific fund code. Recognition level must be set and tracked at the product code.

Note: To track recognition levels, a SQL job must be created to run a stored procedure titled np_update_recognition_level, which will be run nightly to update a constituent's recognition level. Further, the sum of all contributions made within the last 12 months is recorded and then checked against the recognition level (general or fund code) in question to decide if the criteria has been met to award the recognition level. If desired, this 12-month time frame can be system option controlled and increased or decreased as desired.

Field Description
Customer ID Displays the system generated ID number for the constituent.
Gives anonymously Displays whether the constituent has his or her anonymous flag checked. If checked it means this constituent prefers to donate anonymously.
VIP flag? Displays if this constituent has been designated as a VIP.
VIP type Displays the type of VIP this constituent is.
Phone Displays the constituents preferred phone number.
Fax Displays the constituent preferred fax number.
first gift (join) date Displays the date the constituent made their first donation.
first gift amount Displays the amount of the constituent's first donation.
highest gift date Displays the date the constituent made their highest monetary donation.
highest gift amount Displays the highest gift amount ever made by this constituent.
latest gift date Displays the date of the constituent's most recent gift.
latest gift amount Displays the amount of the constituent's most recent gift.
YTD amount

Displays the total amount of the constituent's gift for the current year.

This field can track based on the calendar year or the fiscal year. This is set in the TrackFundraisingBasedonFiscalYear system option. The default is to track by calendar year.

In addition, the YTD and lifetime amount values are calculated based on the settings chosen in the GiftsToIncludeInToDateAmounts system option.

Last-year amount Displays the total amount of the constituent's gifts for the previous year. The total in this field is also dictated by the system option settings mentioned in the YTD amount field above.
Lifetime amount Displays the grand total for all of the donations made by the constituent.

Note: The Major Donor Fundraising icon (located near the top of the profile) signifies that this constituent is considered a major donor. A major donor is a person who has a LTD (Life-To-Date) amount greater than specified amount set in the MajorDonorLTDAmountThreshold system option.

Constituent Profile Actions

The following actions can be performed from the Constituent Profile:

  • Add donation
  • Add request
  • Add note
  • Add assignment
  • Communicate
  • Edit name and address
  • Edit contact info
  • Edit profile information
  • Add Gift
  • Add Pledge
  • Add Payment
  • Add Opportunity
  • Add Request
  • Add Note
  • Add Assignment
  • Add Planned Giving
  • Add Split Gift
  • Social Profile
  • Edit Salutations
  • Communication Preferences
  • Demographics
  • User Defined Demographics
  • GoTo CRM Profile

Constituent Profile Child Forms

The Constituent Profile child form section is divided into tabs. Each tab contains one or more child forms.

The following tabs are available on the Constituent Profile:

  • Donations
  • Major Giving
  • Correspondence
  • Scoring
  • Relations
  • Details
  • Events
  • Accounting
  • Grants
  • Contact Info
  • Log
  • Org Tree
  • Products
  • Memberships

Donations Tab

The Donations tab on the Constituent Profile contains the following child forms:

  • Gifts
  • Recurring Gifts
  • Originating Gifts
  • Related Gifts
  • Solicitation Teams
  • Constituent Pledges
  • Constituent Installment Pledges
  • Soft Credits
  • Fund Recognition Level
  • Campaign Recognition Level

Major Giving Tab

The Major Giving tab on the Constituent Profile contains the following child forms:

  • Moves
  • Gift Opportunities
  • Planned Giving
  • Wealthengine
  • Assignments

Correspondence Tab

The Correspondence tab on the Constituent Profile contains the following child forms:

  • E-Mail Output
  • All Notes
  • Requests and Activities
  • Communications
  • Mail
  • Mailing Lists
  • Outbound Errors
  • Bounces
  • Source Codes Sent to this Individual

Scoring Tab

The Scoring tab on the Constituent Profile contains the following child forms:

  • Current Scoring Scales
  • Scoring History
  • Customer Action History - Actions
  • Customer Action History - Demographics

Relations Tab

The Relations tab on the Constituent Profile contains the following child forms:

  • Organizations
  • Related Individuals
  • Household Relationships

Details Tab

The Details tab on the Constituent Profile contains the following child form: Documents.

Contact Info Tab

The Contact Info tab on the Constituent Profile contains the following child forms:

  • Addresses
  • Telephone Numbers
  • Fax Numbers
  • E-Mail Addresses
  • Websites
  • Im
  • Name Aliases
  • Designations
  • Degrees
  • Social Network Handles

Log Tab

The Log tab on the Constituent Profile contains the following child forms:

  • General Recognition Level Change Log
  • Fund Product Recognition Change Log
  • Campaign Recognition Change Log
  • Gift History
  • Address Change Log
  • Field Level Log
  • Historical Individual Relationships
  • Historical Organization Relationships
  • Merged Individuals
  • Address Correction Errors

Events Tab

The Events tab on the Constituent Profile contains the following child forms:

  • Registrations
  • Substitutions
  • Cancellations
  • Faculty Assignments

Org Tree Tab

The Org Tree tab on the Constituent Profile contains the following child form: Organizational Structure

Accounting Tab

The Accounting tab on the Constituent Profile contains the following child forms:

  • Invoices (Open Batch)
  • Invoices (Closed Batch)
  • Invoices (Voided)
  • Stored Payment Information
  • Recurring Gifts Orders

Products Tab

The Products tab on the Constituent Profile contains the following child forms:

  • Services Purchased
  • Product Fulfillment
  • Product Reviews

Grants Tab

The Grants tab on the Constituent Profile contains the following child forms:

  • Grant Funds Committed
  • Grant Funds Received

Memberships Tab

The Memberships tab on the Constituent Profile contains the following child forms:

  • Gift Memberships
  • Individual Memberships